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Geographic Information System (GIS)

Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS – More Than Maps

The Monroe County GIS Department is committed to effective planning and management by providing ready access to current and accurate printed and electronic GIS data. To do so, our highly trained staff reach out in many directions. We provide “boots in the field” to perform site surveys, staff to ensure that data gathered from all sources is properly maintained in Monroe County’s GIS database, and work hand-in-hand with citizens, County offices, surveyors, planners, architects, and others to ensure effective flow of information.

Find it in Monroe County

Click the above link to access “Find it in Monroe County,” an interactive map designed especially to help Monroe County citizens and visitors locate government facilities in Monroe County.

Costs for GIS Services

Contact Us

Monroe County GIS Department
103 College Street South, Suite 9
Madisonville, TN 37354

Director : Wayne Runkles
Phone : (423) 442-5394
Mobile : (423) 261-4229
Fax : (423) 442-7933
Email  :

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am – 4:00pm
The office is closed for Lunch from
12:30 to 1:30pm

GIS Layers Price List

Data CD/DVD Packages:

Each Package Contains Tiling Scheme for the 400 and 100 size Tax Maps. All data requested to be sent by mail will be charged $25.00 per order for shipping (CD/DVD charge included). No charge for E-mailing data sets or uploading to your FTP site. Email outgoing limit is 10 Mb.


Parcel polygon only $575
Parcels with CAMA data $1,800
*no sub-annual updates available, only yearly acquisition

Base/Transportation $300 per layer

Street Centerlines
Drainage Line (Creeks)
Drainage Polygon (Lakes, Rivers)
Municipality Boundaries
Monroe County Boundary

2006 Orthos

Mr-SID $8,000
GeoTiffs $100 ea per 400 Scale and 100 Scale Tax Map 

Future Layers

Flood Zones

Custom Products:

$50/hour (1 hour minimum), plus $25 per CD, $50 per DVD used.
Contact Monroe County GIS for more information